Nihilism is so rampant in young people these days. If only we all had some Kierkegaard to inoculate us against this virus..

Wonderful work! Your posts always give me a bit of an intellectual shock. I'm not sure how else to describe it. I can't even begin to describe how much I look forward to these popping up in my RSS feed!

PS: Around 25 did you mean possible instead of impossible?

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Thank you very much for the type correction! Duly update.

I'm glad you're finding something of worth here - if nothing else, something to ease the transition into S. K., who in turn eases our transition into scripture. Like my favourite teacher, it's important to remember that it is never "me" who carries the authority in these writings.

Blessed Pentecost Sunday!

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I will keep that in mind. Thank-you!

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