i laughed out loud at the shot at camus πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

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Aug 31Liked by Anarchierkegaard

I always enjoy your explications; great insights into SK. I fear I will need to fall into one of the overly metaphysical positions you outline. Neither the individual nor the individual in relation to God/Absolute is the human person I don’t think.

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This is actually a bit of a controversy in Kierkegaard studies: to what extent are we shaped by non-God-relationship factors? Some suggest S. K. was far closer to Buber/Levinas than either of them realised, whilst others paint him in the idealist tradition of saying the individual must form before authentic socialist can come about.

Hopefully, I’ll be able to continue unravelling that little issue this time next week. Especially considering that I absolutely agree with you.

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Aug 31Liked by Anarchierkegaard

Will look forward to how you develop this. Buber is pretty good. To be honest, SK is one of those thinkers I know I need to know better, but his style puts me off. I realize that is wimpy.

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