Reflections into Repetition

“The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways; the point is to change it” sounds like a suitably sabre-rattling battle cry from a suitably influential mouthpiece - but maybe we’ve had quite enough of people trying to change the world. Maybe a modest revision from a lay-theologian: “The theologians have only interpreted the worldliness, in various ways; the point is to show how funny it all is”.

Drawing on Barth, Hauerwas, Kierkegaard, and Wesley (amongst myriad other influences), I intend to offer a prod that, at worst, might make you laugh; at best, it might make someone laugh and find a cause for concern. I offer nothing more ambitious than that: if one person can be reached by these erratic scribblings on a corner of the internet, then more good has been brought into the world than I might otherwise offer in a month of Sundays.

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God bless.

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An examination of Kierkegaard, anarchism, and the sceptic's view on a Christian approach to radical politics


An exploration of the overlap in Kierekgaard's thought, pessimism, and a particular flavour of anarchism.